For some unknown reason, I can't seem to sit still. I am sure it has something to do with the fact that Friday is once again beckoning and am sure to get it on then.
I think it is an exhilarating feeling having closed a big chapter of my life and heading to another bigger/smaller one (it depends). I am not a politics fanatic but with the referendum and all approaching, I can't help but get that feeling of anticipation of something that will be nothing short of glorious in the story of our great state of Kenya. It's almost like the feeling you get right before the climax and your'e almost definitely gonna scream and u wanna bite your tongue(strange analogy). That is what is happening to us as a country. What with mzee MOI running around like a person on fire declaring to all and sundry his sad state of despair. Knowing we will get what he fought so hard to keep out of our grasp and this is our chance to stick it to the old geyser!
I am not peddling hate speech or anything, am all for peace and love to all but this is our moment and our time to emancipate ourselves as a citizenry. To separate ourselves from the age of darkness that had threatened shrink our country to Somali status and I don't think I have time for one that wants us to stay oppressed.
And for those opposed, dawn is approaching and fast! Since they are like the mystical vampires that almost sucked us dry, They will shrivel and wither away as a new day rises resurrecting hope, faith, prosperity, love and tolerance in our country.