I have been in limbo for quite a while and am not entirely sure am still breathing. I have no idea what am doing at all. As I write this am not sane I have had a harrowing week. I wouldn't really know where to begin narrating so I won't bore you with the horrid details of a heart break am working hard to forget!!!!
It is official that I am not having a love-life anytime in the near future. The betrayal is something I never saw coming but i guess am the better for learning how to smell one a mile off!!
Fuck him!!!!!!
Moving swiftly to more worthwhile things, I thought that Caroline's radio show yesterday was to say the least hilarious to me. I never thought I would wake up to the self proclaimed king of porn on a morning show and more to the fact that our kenyan actors are volunteers and aren't paid. I can't wait for the king's book coming out in two weeks. I can't wait because he claims he will name some of the members of club 222 who are his ever loyal clients!!!! I hope they were listening.